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How it all started

the story of Apriorit

The story of Apriorit began in Dnipro, Ukraine in 2002.

Over the years, our company has grown from eight to over 400 people, expanded its geography, and brought quality software engineering services closer to our clients worldwide.

Today, we have a headquarters in the US, an EU office in Poland, and several development offices in Eastern Europe hosting over 20 R&D and QA teams.

In the last two decades, we’ve expanded our expertise from corporate security, driver development, and software research to such challenging yet inspiring areas as the blockchain, artificial intelligence, and reverse engineering.

Today, Apriorit delivers sophisticated software development services to Fortune 500 companies and ambitious startups worldwide, creating products that allow our clients to succeed.

Our greatest inspiration —
Dennis Turpitka

The mastermind behind this great company was Dennis Turpitka.

When he was just 24, Dennis gathered a small group of talented young professionals and started his own company. Over the years, this company has grown into a big family of passionate, high-profile experts working in several offices all around Ukraine.

About Apriorit Dennis Turpitka CEO

Starting up Apriorit was my way of ensuring that I can make a difference by doing what I like the most. The way we build software and communicate — with a keen focus on each client’s needs and wants — is what allows us to make impossible things possible.

Dennis Turpitka
Founder and CEO of Apriorit
Member of the Forbes Technology Council

In January 2022, Dennis passed away. He was our main role model and an inspiration for every member of the Apriorit family. Even though Dennis is not with us anymore, we’ll continue making impossible things possible to honor his legacy and see his lifetime’s work flourish for many years ahead.

Apriorit is a place where everyone gets an opportunity to grow and shine by unleashing their passion, innovation, and creativity.

Apriorit in numbers

years on the market


Completed projects


countries represented by clients



in Needham, USA



development teams


quality assurance teams



Research and reversing team

7 Fundamental Values of Apriorit people

As a family, we share the same perspective and values.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit Professionalism


We’re responsible, competent professionals who take each project as a mission.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit Stability


We keep our heads cool in any situation and make well-calculated, rational decisions.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit consistency


We’re result-oriented and always deliver what we’ve promised.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit teamwork


We grow together, united by mutual trust, respect, and amiability.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit innovation


While constantly searching for a better solution, we encourage each other’s creativity and ambitions.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit enjoyment


We enjoy what we do. A lot.

Fundamental Values of Apriorit ecology


We try to make this world (and ourselves) a little bit better.

Social responsibility

At Apriorit, we believe we can make this world a better place by giving back and helping our community to rise. We also believe that youth should have equal access to education and innovative technologies no matter their age, gender, nationality, or social status.

This is why for years, Apriorit has been supporting several social programs and educational initiatives aiming to empower young people with IT knowledge and skills:

Apriorit social responsibility

Computer Science scholarship program for US students

We want to support young people who are passionate about innovative technologies and software engineering. Since 2017, Apriorit has been offering a $1000 educational grant for US students enrolled in computer engineering or computer science programs.

Apriorit social responsibility


To close the gender gap in the IT community, Apriorit supports the Technovation Challenge. This initiative aims to give girls aged 10 to 18 an opportunity to learn more about IT technologies and take part in the world’s largest tech and IT entrepreneurship competition.

Apriorit social responsibility

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Many Apriorit family members are graduates of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, and Apriorit has been supporting this school for years. We equipped one of its computer labs with new computers and network systems so that students can effectively master their newly gained skills. Also, Apriorit specialists often host lectures for university students, sharing their insights on IT technologies and practical solutions.

Apriorit social responsibility

Giving Joy charitable foundation

To help kids with special needs improve their computer skills and master media literacy, Apriorit has equipped the Giving Joy charitable foundation with a new computer classroom.

Apriorit social responsibility

Free software development courses

To give talented young people a chance to dive into the IT industry and learn from the best, Apriorit has been regularly hosting free
C++ courses for students since 2006. Those who successfully complete these courses we invite to join the Apriorit family.

Apriorit social responsibility

Apriorit stands
with Ukraine

As a company, we provide financial support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and humanitarian initiatives. We also established a department that manages the centralized purchase of medicine and individual equipment abroad to provide our warriors with everything they need to stay safe and stay strong.

Since 2002

on the market

23 years

in Cybersecurity


completed projects


client retention rate

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  • Process your request within 1-2 business days.
  • Get back to you with an offer based on your project's scope and requirements.
  • Set a call to discuss your future project in detail and finalize the offer.
  • Sign a contract with you to start working on your project.

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