Simple ORM over SOCI Based on MySQL Backend
As a company specializing in C++ development, weโll show you a practical example of how to use SOCI with MySQL in order to create a simple SOCI MySQ...
As a company specializing in C++ development, weโll show you a practical example of how to use SOCI with MySQL in order to create a simple SOCI MySQ...
Learn how to create a simple Qt QML application and build it with CMake.
How we have increased mhookโs performance, enhanced its capabilities and eliminated certain bugs.
If you ever need to mock global functions or methods with more than 10 arguments, check out our solution on GitHub.
Intro to work with OpenCV for computer vision tasks with code samples explained
A collection of articles on software development and research topics: tips, best practices, code samples, tutorials, particular tasks
A custom library to organize communication between clients and servers working in different processes: schemes, source code
Get code samples with explanations: how to organize pooled multithreaded file I/O using IOCP mechanisms
This article explains what Windows Shell extensions are and how to solve common problems you may face when creating, registering, installing, and remo...
This article is devoted to the implementation of a plugin for OllyDbg debugger to deal with debug blocking using function execution time
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