Hooking Linux Kernel Functions, Part 2: How to Hook Functions with Ftrace
Meet the second part of our series on hooking Linux kernel functions with ftrace.
Meet the second part of our series on hooking Linux kernel functions with ftrace.
Meet the first part of our series dedicated to hooking Linux kernel functions using ftrace. Explore four helpful approaches to use for your solutions...
Learn how to find kernel symbols in syscall table for identifying and hooking functions by using kprobes
Learn how to modify HTTP traffic via using hooks or creating your own custom driver.
Several important practical tips for work with CUDA with code samples explained
Comparison of driver (kernel mode) and user mode solutions for a set of system monitoring and management tasks
Apriorit Research Department case on reverse engineering (see PDF) of internal Windows APIs to provide kernel-level Windows file system filtering. Thi...
Business case study about mobile OS virtualization and development of the "switch" between virtual OS on an Android device. This important mobile virt...
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