Tezos Blockchain and Smart Contract Overview
In this article, we explain the main features of the Tezos smart contract platform and provide an example of a Tezos smart contract.
In this article, we explain the main features of the Tezos smart contract platform and provide an example of a Tezos smart contract.
Though a blockchain is just a distributed ledger with an immutable chain of data, blockchains can be successfully implemented in various business sphe...
An Apriorit system programming expert analyzes the pros and cons of applying formal verification to smart contracts, compares it to other types of sec...
In this article, we analyze the causes of these recent EOS casino hacks and see if they could have been avoided.
Apriorit experts were assigned to perform a security audit of the smart contracts and provide recommendations on code optimization and improvements.
Learn five tips for developing secure and vulnerability-free smart contracts from our blockchain expert Mihail Sotnichek.
This article describes how Fomo3D vulnerability points to a bigger potential issue with all smart contracts of other DApps.
Learn about the recently discovered bug in EOS smart contracts that allows hackers to allocate RAM and how to get your RAM back.
Use IOTA for the toll road payments automation. Go beyond blockchain to facilitate in-car payments.
Cardano and Zilliqa plan to guarantee smart contract security within their protocols. We test if its true by trying to exploit a reentrancy vulnerabil...
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