Nanomite and Debug Blocker Technologies: Scheme, Pros, and Cons
White paper to briefly describe nanomite technology for code protection and anti-debug protection with Debug Blocker for Windows applications.
White paper to briefly describe nanomite technology for code protection and anti-debug protection with Debug Blocker for Windows applications.
Article describes thedifferences betwwen work with sockets under BSD and Windows
Learn how to perform API hooking in Windows. This article will provide you an example of system-wide global Windows API hooking using DLL Injection.
Windows Process Monitoring and Management basic tips: code samples, process monitoring scheme
A user mode Windows driver solution for virtual disk is described. This article is oriented to Windows-developers.
KnowDLLs section as a methods of code injection: basics, description and sample code.
In this article, the use of open source OpenSSL library for file and disk encryption is described.
This article will tell where Windows OS stores the services and how uses them. We’ll discuss how this knowledge can be applied to finding our custom...
This article contains the description of how to start a process in the current active session on session logon notification event with permissions of...
This article includes a description of the monitoring process for the session logon/logout, connect/disconnect (regarding terminal and client sessions...
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