Using Web Debugging Proxies for Application Testing
Read this post to learn what web debugging proxies developers and testers at Apriorit prefer and how to work with these tools.
Read this post to learn what web debugging proxies developers and testers at Apriorit prefer and how to work with these tools.
In this article, we talk about SaaS testing best practices and tools and how to work around tricky parts of the SaaS testing process.
Take a detailed look at the Cloud Foundry platform and see if it's really as helpful and benificial as it seems to be.
The article provides a close look at the host-based firewall architecture and explains the principles behind host-based firewalls with real-life examp...
In this article, we describe scenarios where we apply Docker to handle continuous integration/continuous development for a Django web service
Is it possible to build a transparent SSL proxy on a regular PC?
This article may be useful for security administrators and DevSecOps who are looking for alternative ways of detecting network intrusions and suspicio...
The article might be useful for SaaS providers and web developers who want to protect their applications against upcoming password guessing attacks ba...
Learn about five most popular web application security testing methodologies, including penetration testing.
In this part of our series File System Virtualization, weโll demonstrate how to implement a virtual disk plugin for one of the most popular cloud st...
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